FostAdopt Connections is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. We are a grassroots local nonprofit in Tucson, AZ. All donations will stay local.
We are a Qualifying Fostercare Charitable Organization!
If you are a resident of Arizona, one of the easiest ways to make a difference in the lives of children is through the Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit. You can reduce what you owe in state taxes as shown in the table below:
Tax Year 57_ccface-56> |
Single, married filing separate, head of household 57_435d12-83> |
Married filing jointly 57_f493cc-b5> |
2024 57_a00fb9-35> |
$587 57_77d12f-cf> |
$1,173 57_0b8c78-11> |
2025 57_eefce0-67> |
$618 57_f51c6c-45> |
$1,234 57_721c5a-31> |
Make a One Time or Recurring Donation with PayPal
Mail us a check to:
FostAdopt Connections
4601 E. 32nd St.
Tucson, AZ 85711